Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy

Cookies are small files that automatically get saved on your computer, laptop or any other devise you use to browse sites like ours This saves allot of useful information to make your user experience better and useful.

They are very safe and won’t harm your devise nor take up large amount of space. But here we will explain what they are, what they do and how to get rid of them and how we get your consent.

What are Cookies?

Cookies are small files that automatically get saved on your devise when you are browsing While you browse these small files capture your browsing behaviour working behind the scenes to make your browsing smoother and faster. Some of these cookies send us information like what pages you’ve viewed on, the time spent on these pages, which pages had the been visited the most, which banners on our website got clicked the most.

When you visit for the first time we will require your consent in order to enable cookies on your devise, therefore a pop-up will appear at the footer asking for your consent.

Are they safe?

They are completely safe as the cookies do not save any personal information whatsoever – none at all! The cookies will not even harm your computer.

How to get rid of them

Hopefully by now we have convinced you cookies are very useful to have in order to make your browsing experience better.

However, if you are still concerned you can have them removed from your computer, show me how to remove cookies on google. You can even configure your computer settings so that it won’t download any future cookies, google how to change my computer’s cookie settings.


For any further information drop us an email:

The cookie setting on this website are set to 'allow all cookies' to give you the very best experience. By clicking on or navigating to our site, you consent to this. Learn more, including about available controls in our Cookie Policy.